Attracting and retaining the best physicians is a constant process. You can do several things to help you garner interest from outstanding physicians in your area and maintain those associations.

Do Your Homework

When you’re ready to recruit, do the research to determine which ones in your area are a good fit. Talk to your current physicians, network at local conferences and events, and have your ASC director reach out personally.

Set up brief meetings with those you’re interested in once you’ve established a strong rapport. Ask them what they like and don’t like about the ASC they currently use. Use this information to highlight the advantages of your facility. Talk about what it offers that they aren’t getting at their current ASC.

Improve their Quality of Life

There are two areas in which most physicians feel their lives need improving – more time outside the office and less time coping with problems at work. Using the right ASC software can address both of these issues.

No one ever says they wished they could spend more time at work and less time relaxing. Our Office software works with surgeon offices for quick, efficient scheduling and digital document sharing. Not only does it provide physician offices with clear, electronic audit trails, but it also gives them the ability to book more procedures in fewer steps.

Miscommunication and human error are also minimized with Office. Eliminating phone calls and faxes means fewer problems with lost requests, misfiling, and other issues that can throw a wrench into any surgeon’s day. Patient forms are easily accessible with the click of a mouse, so no one is left out of the information loop.

Quality Management + Ease of Use

Excellent quality management means physician offices can focus on their job rather than worrying about staffing issues, policy questions, and other administrative concerns within your office. So, be sure to staff knowledgeable and experienced Administrators. Physician offices will struggle to turn down an ASC with staff members that understand the importance of quality management.

Efficiency and ease of use go hand-in-hand with One Medical Passport solutions – and both of those qualities are attractive to physicians when choosing an ASC. Intuitive software for everything from patient admissions to vendor management is powerful. Ensure they are aware you’re using cutting edge software and technology to streamline pre-op admissions, patient communication, vendor management, payment notifications, and more.

Assure Exceptional Patient Care

The success of any surgical procedure relies heavily on the care provided by the ASC. Professionally trained nurses, PAs, and support staff are essential. Make sure your employees have a reputation for exceptional patient care. Give them continuing education opportunities that will improve their skills and make sure physicians are aware that you invest in your staff. High nurse to patient ratios and low infection rates will pique the interest of surgeons, who know that proper after-care and quick recovery times are essential to patient satisfaction. The latest equipment and technology is another measurable indicator of patient care. Take the time to guide surgeons through your facility on a tour highlighting any equipment or software that surgeons highly desire. Being a technological leader leads to being a surgery center leader with the finest physicians clamoring to work with your ASC.

Make It Financially Appealing

Don’t gloss over the monetary rewards of the many advantages of your ASC. More efficient scheduling, better recovery rates, and patient preference for your facility all translate to lower overhead and higher profits for everyone. Although it isn’t the sole reason a surgeon should consider your surgery center, it will be a factor.

The best time to invest in upgrading your ASC management software is now, before recruiting new physicians. By doing so, you show your willingness to invest in making your Ambulatory Surgery Center the best it can be. For more tips and tricks, subscribe to our blog! Comment below if you have any topic suggestions.