Three Proactive Approaches for Improved Claims Denials Management

In order to maximize revenue with improved claims denials management, healthcare providers need to follow this advice by Benjamin Franklin: “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” For surgery centers and healthcare providers, being…

Unforeseen Out-of-Network Charges Cause Concern Amongst Consumers

About 1 in 6 Americans were surprised by a medical bill after treatment in a hospital in 2017 despite having insurance, according to a study published in June. On average, 16% of inpatient stays and 18% of emergency visits left a patient with at…

Balance it Out

Working with consumers to explain and help resolve medical bills in collections is a complex process for accounts receivable management companies and their health care provider clients.  Add in the mix unexpected out-of-network charges on a…

What Keeps You Up at Night?

The cost of healthcare in the United States is a significant source of apprehension and fear for millions of Americans, according to a new national survey conducted by West Health and Gallup. With over $3.5 trillion—nearly one-fifth of the nation’s…

Data Security Issues in Offshore Revenue Cycle Management 

Offshoring revenue cycle management has been an increasing phenomenon in the healthcare landscape today. Primary drivers for this include cost-efficiency, controlled management, specialization and expertise, economies of manpower, and an affordable…

How to Avoid Revenue Cycle Outsourcing Mistakes

In today’s evolving healthcare landscape, providers look for ways to better adapt to market conditions while sustaining profitability and gaining a competitive edge, so they opt to outsource some or all their revenue cycle functions to a third-party…

3 Tips for Working with RCM Partners to Handle Self-Pay Patients

Patient balances present one of the most significant challenges in healthcare especially for surgery centers. With ever-rising healthcare costs, ambulatory surgery centers (ASC’s) see an increase in the number of patients that have high deductible…

Employer-Based Insurance Premiums Create Growing Burden for Families

A growing number of consumers are doling out more of their paychecks for health care premium contributions through their employer insurance plans, according to The Commonwealth Fund Report “The Cost of Employer Insurance is a Growing Burden for…